Art in Cleveland OH

Art Gallery Worldwide
Page Status:
First Listed: 8/13/2012

Art Gallery Worldwide

Art in Cleveland OH

Devoted to linking people to the art world. A quality online service and reliable place to meet for lovers of art, artists, galleries and art dealers.
Art Gallery Worldwide

Arts In Ohio
Page Status:
First Listed: 7/31/2009

Arts In Ohio

Art in Cleveland OH

This site covers the arts scene in Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio. You can search for events and organizations. Join art teachers in the season of wildflower abundance on the Wilds. Use different media and improve your artistic technique. Capture the Moment: The Pulitzer Prize Photographs at Ohio Historical Center. The largest and most comprehensive exhibition of Pulitzer Prize winning photographs, Capture the Moment, presents powerful images.
Arts In Ohio

Cleveland Museum of Art
Page Status:
First Listed: 9/1/2006

Cleveland Museum of Art

Art: Museums in Cleveland OH

Cleveland Museum of Art

The Cleveland Institute of Art
Page Status:
First Listed: 9/1/2006

The Cleveland Institute of Art

Art: Art Education in Cleveland OH

Thinking art colleges, schools in Ohio? The Cleveland Institute of Art is an internationally recognized professional College of Art and Design offering Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees in sixteen majors.

The Sculpture Center
Page Status:
First Listed: 9/1/2006

The Sculpture Center

Art in Cleveland OH

Welcome to The Sculpture Center.